Yes! Dr Strazar often performs other plastic surgery procedures which are not listed on this website:

  • Rhinoplasty
  • Brow Lifts
  • Buccal Fat Resection
  • Chin augmentation
  • Facial contouring
  • Gender Confirming Top Surgery

If you are interested in knowing more about what we offer, contact our office to inquire about the options available to you.

The word “plastic” comes from the Greek word plastikos, which means “shape” or “form.” The phrase “plastic surgery” simply indicates that our medical specialty involves the shape and form of the human body.

One of the most important decisions you will make is selecting the plastic surgeon who performs your procedure. In addition to choosing someone who is a board certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Canada, you should choose a surgeon with a proven tract record. Dr. Strazar has been extensively trained in cosmetic surgery and has helped hundreds of patients achieve their goals and regain their body confidence.

Finally, the consultation is the ultimate opportunity to get to know a surgeon. Do they put you at ease? Answer your questions? Address your concerns? Educate you about the risks and expected results? A good choice is a physician who can make you feel confident about your treatment while providing the information you need to make an educated decision.

Any procedure where the skin is actually lifted and reshaped, such as breast reduction, breast lift, facelift, tummy tuck, and body contouring pose a challenge to the blood supply of the skin. Cigarette smoking, or for that matter any form of smoking, significantly reduces the quality of blood flow within the skin, and therefore leads to increased risk of major complications, including skin loss or loss of the areola itself. It is for this reason that Dr. Strazar will not perform many of these procedures on a patient who continues to smoke.

Facelift FAQ:

A traditional facelift requires an incision from the temple to the lower hairline, but the scars will be well concealed within the hairline and natural creases on the face. The scars heal well and should be unnoticeable once fully healed.

Most patients can return to their normal routine after one to two weeks. This will vary depending on the type of facelift procedure you have performed and your unique rate of healing. If facial fat grafting is performed, swelling may continue for a little bit longer than facelift surgery without fat transfer. You should also avoid strenuous activity and exercise (jogging, biking, many types of sports) for at least a month.

The majority of the benefits will be visible after a few months; however, some minor swelling and inflammation may persist for some time after. While this process may require some patience, the outcome should be noticeable without being conspicuous. Furthermore, the enhancement should last many years as long as you take excellent care of your skin.

When choosing a facelift surgeon, it is important to chose someone that explains the process and makes you feel comfortable. Facelift surgery is generally safe if it is completed by an experienced surgeon. Dr. Strazar has trained with some of the foremost facelift surgeons in New York City. He will inspect the desired areas in which you’d like to have refreshed and create a customized surgical plan for you to achieve your refreshed look.

Breast Lift

Most women are so thrilled with the results of their procedure that they don’t mind the typically subtle appearance of the healed scars. However, it is normal for patients to be curious about what the incisions will look like after recovery. What is important to understand about the breast lift procedure is that it will involve incisions on the breast. There is no other way to effectively lift and tighten breast tissues without incisions. While it is impossible to completely eliminate any sign of surgery, these marks should fade over time and become relatively unnoticeable. These incisions are designed to be concealed under clothing, and the good news is that over time and with proper scar care, they do fade and become barely noticeable. Most women find that their new shape and beautiful figure outweigh any concerns they initially had about scarring. Dr. Strazar takes great care to make the incisions as small and inconspicuous as possible.

While many women can breastfeed after breast surgery, breastfeeding after any type of breast surgery cannot always be guaranteed. About 30% of women may have difficulty breastfeeding after surgical intervention. Breast surgeries which changes the shape or move the areolar will often have a larger impact on breastfeeding post surgery.

This is a question we receive a lot. It depends on the patient’s aesthetic goals and the current breast shape. A breast lift will help correct a sagging, drooping breast. Many times after this surgery, patients are happy with their breast size because the lift alone creates a fuller breast. However if the patient wishes to have more volume, especially in the upper pole or cleavage area, implants or fat grafting will often be required. During your consultation, Dr. Strazar will perform a detailed assessment and discuss your goals. He will then recommend if a lift alone is all that is needed, or if an augmentation and a lift may be done as a combination surgery.

Breast Augmentation

Breast implants may partly obscure mammograms, but special techniques can be used to improve the visibility of breast tissue after breast augmentation. It’s important to work with a screening center that is familiar with breast implants. Studies show that there is no clinically significant impact of breast augmentation on breast cancer detection or breast cancer treatment.

While you may see promotions for creams that increase breast size, these don’t work. One method which uses your natural tissue and does not involve breast implants is a fat transfer breast augmentation. This procedure cannot greatly increase breast size and is appropriate for patients who want a moderate increase in breast size.

Implants will eventually need to be replaced. Most patients with modern implants can expect them to last a long time. One out of five women will require revision after about 10 years, while the others need to do nothing. It all depends on the individual, and whether an issue has developed such as excessive scar tissue affecting breast shape (capsular contracture) or implant malposition.